Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Our Day At Ms. Laura's House

Yesterday we went to Ms. Laura's house to have a cook-out. Her house is beautiful and she is selling it. Her dad is an architect and is designing there new house. When we first got there we played pool and had a cup of banana, coconut flavor, and pineapple smoothie.Then we helped cooked dinner. We fix the salad, cantaloupe, and devil eggs. We also had chicken, and Raspberry Lemonade. Before we ate we shot some hoops in her back yard. Then after we ate we walk their dog Corky around the block. We had so much fun. After we came back from walking the dog we went down stairs. I played some more pool. While we was there we met her brother JC, and David, and their friends Nathan, JD. Her family is so nice to us. We told Ms. Laura that we like to spend the night at her house some time, she said we could. After I played pool I went back outside to shot some more hoops by myself. I was shooting good shots until Herman came outside and then I started missing my shots. We was having so much fun that we didn't want to leave. We told he that we want to leave her house at 7:00 and we did. Before we left her house we had another cup of smoothie but there was no more banana, so we just had a pineapple smoothie. Then we left. Ms. Laura dropped us home and made sure that we was safe in our house. I will never forget how much I had fun. I would love to do this again any time.

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