Tuesday, July 22, 2008

On July 21, 2008

Yesterday we went to the Tri-Caucus Youth Summit in George Town. To me it was boring. It felt like it wasn't for my purpose of going there. I think it was for college student because they kept saying college student or college graduates. SO I think that it wasn't info to me directly. SO I didn't like it. I didn't pay attention what they was saying at all until the end, when the representatives of Obama, and McCain was talking. The thing took so long it started at 3:00 and ended at 6:30. I wish that we left early because no one was hardly pay them any of attention at all. We could've been doing something else beside going to that thing. We could've been on the computer and learning something new or working on something. But the good thing was that we got out and that's what I like when we go out sometime instead of staying in the Gatepost all day.

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