The 4th of July weekend was OK. On the 4th, Pastor Teri had a cook-out and I went. I had nothing better to do. It was me, Herman, Delonte, Sherrita, Jenny, Mary, Neme, Bob, and of course Pastor Teri. The food was good. We played in the rain while Bob and Pastor Teri was talking. After we cleaned up the food and when Bob and Neme left we went to go see the firework at the Capital. We took the van and drove it to Potomac Ave Station and caught the train to Capital South Station. It was raining when we got off the station, there was only one umbrella that only big for two people. So the rest of us got soak and wet, but when we was standing in line this nice ladies offer us to stand under their umbrella so we won't get wet. The fireworks was awesome!!! But it felt short this year, I didn't even know if there was a finale or not. But from my perspective it don't seem like it. The rest of my weekend was boring. I had nothing to do because usually I hang out with my boyfriend on the weekends but he was out of town with his mother. They was in Detroit and they had a wedding to go to the next day. But they came home on Sunday early. I went Ice Skating at Font DuPont and the one in Arlington Virgina at Ballston Station. Then I hang out at his house for a couple o f hours because his mom didn't feel so good, she lost her voice. But other than that my weekend was OK especially when my baby came home. Because it has almost been a year since we been going out and I most always see him the weekend. But back to my weekend, I brought me 2 basketball shorts, a shirt with a heart on the back that says GLORY on it, and daddy brought me 2 shirt. So ya I got to hang out with my dad before he went to work. My dad works at night and I work from 12-6 and I don't hardly gets to see him that much except the weekend or sometime before I leave the house for work. SO that pretty much summarize what I did this weekend.
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