Saturday, January 12, 2013

My Love for Computers and Technology!

Computers and Technology!

Computer and Technology are getting more advance each year. Most of our parents cannot keep up with Today's technology like this generations does. My love for computer and technology was first introduced when I first start high school. When I got to use the computer and create things on Adobe Photoshop and I thought to myself was "I LOVE COMPUTERS!!! IT IS SO AMAZING!!" Since then I wanted to learn more about computers and to be able to work with them as a career in the future. I think I had loved technology since I was young because I use to want the latest electronics that came out and I was able to figure out how to hook things and make them work.

Now today my parents ask me for help on anything that involves electronics or technology. When I learn something new in one of my computer class I tell them about it and they would be like "Ok Sharday, I don't understand a word you just said but I am proud that you understand what you are talking about." Right now I am pursuing a degree in Information Technology, which is my dream to get. I want to learn everything about computers and Today's technology as much as I can. I want to be able to keep up with today's technology. I want to be able to fix computer problems and work with the network. Someday I hope that I can be able to do everything that the woman on Criminal Minds knows how to do. She is able to hacking into other system, pull up other people information and everything else. My love for technology is so strong that I want to have the latest technology in my house and on me.

 Currently I decided to focus on Network Systems which is something that also interesting to me. Previously I have tried to do computer science, which is more involved with computer programming. In computer programming you have to create programs that do certain things. Most with that focus you will be create software and stuff like that. That's is not what I am interested on doing or what I want to focus on. I want to focus on more of the hardware itself. So now I am about to learn how to solve computer problems and learn how to fix them as well, which is exactly what I want to do. Additional to that I am also going to learn about Network Systems, which is going to kind of be new to me. I haven't really experienced too much with network but knowing myself I probably have and know a little bit about networking. By next year or sooner I want to be a computer technician or even something more higher then that. I also want to learn about Mainframe, what it is? How it works? Pretty much everything. Hopefully I will be graduating next year in 2014 with my Bachelor's degree in Information Technology - Network System Administrations! I am proud of myself that I am following my dreams. My mind is wide open to gain more knowlege about computer and technology. Hopefully someday I would be helpful to someone with my computer skills and knowledge. It is crazy how much technology is so involved in our everyday life, which I love every bit of it. There is not a day that goes by that some kind of technology is involved in each one of our lifes. And you know what that in the future it is going to be more advance more then every.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Here We Are!

World Vision

On August 5 we went to World Vision. World Vision is a christian organization that help children and their communties world wide. They go around the world "joining with local people to find lasting ways to improve the lives of children and families in poverty." They will build school buildings for the kids so they can have a place to learn. When they build the school building, the building don't belong to World Vision it would belong to the government. You can sporser a child and sented money. To here more info. you can go to their website

On monday of august 28

on monday we went to voice of america and it was fun. they have 45 different laguages and 134 millionpeople listens to it a week. they have more than 1,100 Employees. there headquarters is in washington, dc. there mission is to broadcast true information, and news information to an international audience. there website provides news reports and a homepages of all 45 languages. they begun in 1942. they produce more than 1,250 hours of programs each week. 25 out of 45 of there languages are broadcasted on television.

as we forgive

we went over ms laura house to watch the movie as we forgive. i really liked the movie because it shows even the people that has been hurt the most by others can still find it in there heart to forgive people. and that movie made me realize that i need to stop being so unforgiving. i would highly recommend the movie. the only thing i didn't like about it is that they was talking extremely fast and also the subtitles were also fast and you would have to close attention to the tv set!!!!

Friday, July 25, 2008

we watched war dance the movie

yesterday we watched war dance the movie and it toucheed my heart. half of the movie of about this school who was praticeing for a huge perforomance with 20 thousand other schools. this was the first time they ever performed in a compotition. the other half of the movie was about th e childrens lives and how they liveed and how they washed them selves and kept there selves clean and feed. my favorite part was when they won the compotion and it was there first time competing.

wardance was a enlightening movie!

i liked the movie wardance because it shows that life is not a fairytale and you should be thankful for what you have and live for the moment. my favorite person in the movie was nancy because she shows that you can overcome from lifes hardships and you can triumph if you have some morale left inside of you and hers was dancing.